Now more than ever, Americans are engaging in all sorts of physical activity. Be it private sports clubs, organized sports events, or just the average pick-up game, studies show a rise in athleticism. But this uptick in athletic activity has a logical downside: athletic injuries. When an athlete major or minor experiences an injury, they could face an end to their hobby or even athletic career. Treatments are limited and often involve addictive narcotics or opioids that can offer relief but at a potentially dangerous cost. The good news is that more and more athletes are turning to CBD products to relieve pain and as a supplement to their physical activity.
Are you an athlete looking for a natural supplement or pain relief? Find the CBD product that’s best for you here!
Athletes put their bodies through the wringer whenever they engage in sport. Repetitive movement and activity cause great strain and degradation to joints, bones, and tendons. These repetitive and intense movements create pain and soreness that goes beyond the game and into daily life. Chronic pain and soreness can be excruciating. Limited options often include NSAIDs like Aleve and generic counterparts, aspirin, and more. Holistic remedies are also available but often take an extensive amount of time to relieve pain.
Because of CBD’s growing popularity as a means to find relief from a variety of ailments, more studies have been conducted to find practical uses for CBD in a variety of different situations encountered by a vast array of different lifestyles. The most recent research revolves around athletes and how CBD can benefit them. CBD offers a non-addictive, safe, and non-toxic alternative to overly manufactured supplements and drugs. Despite its benefits, CBD is not without its controversy.
The biggest hurdle that comes with CBD and athletes is how a professional environment chooses to treat it. As it stands, the NFL tests players for THC and CBD – but the tides are turning! This policy is expected to change when league contract terms and obligations are renegotiated in 2020. Over 1,8000 NFL players sued the NFL for having them play despite painful injuries and the irresponsible distribution of controlled substances. This suggests that even professional players are seeking out non-addictive and safe alternatives. These players make millions and can afford the most ubiquitous opioids on the market – but they’re putting their health first.
The World Anti-Doping Agency has removed CBD from the banned substances list as of 2018. UFC, NHL, and MLB are far more open-minded when it comes to CBD. The United States Anti-Doping Agency has also removed CBD from the prohibited substances list. Things are looking up!
If you’re suffering from pain related to athletic injuries, CBD could help! The main source of pain that athletes experience comes from inflammation. The key to managing pain from athletic injuries is managing the painful swelling and inflammation. CBD has anti-inflammatory benefits and can act as a natural, anti-inflammatory supplement. Ditch the over the counter remedies and go for something all-natural.
Recovery ReLeaf offers a variety of CBD products that are effective, discreet, and built for any lifestyle. Many of our clients opt for our most popular item the Pure Isolate Oil 1000mg with full-bodied, aromatic vanilla – made in the USA and ethically sourced.
At Recovery ReLeaf, we are dedicated to finding the best CBD product that could help reduce your pain and improve your quality of life. Don’t know where to start? Contact us today and we’ll assist in finding a product that can best suit your needs! Phone: 833-4-RELEAF (833-473-5323) or by Email: Want to know more? Take a look at our different products here. Questions or concerns? We’re more than happy to assist you on your CBD journey!